Today is our last day in Athens as we leave tomorrow for our flight home to Australia. What an epic journey this has been at times more like boot camp(especially on the cruise!!!) But Oh the sights we've seen, the places we,ve visited. As in all journeys there have been ups and downs . Those terrible waits at train stations and airports. The hoards of people and lines for everything---even the toilet!! But those glimpses of heavenly places made it all worth while. I must thank my good friend Brenda for being a wonderful time keeper and waking me at all the right times to catch whatever!!! She is also the best map reader and has kept us on the right track---well most of the time!!! Venice was a challenge!!
My daughter Shelley gave me a bracelet for my birthday with a heart charm. She said that it represented the love of our family. I have added so many charms from many different but this heart is still my most precious charm.
We have visited many islands from Ireland to the Scottish islands, Rhodes and Crete and the Greek Islands but to me the most beautiful of all islands is Tasmania. Our pristine beaches with no footprints are one of our most valuable assets. Our wonderful forests and mountains are so far without the hoards that invade European countries----lets keep it that way!!!
I am looking forward to going home to little Forcett----our home among the gum trees!!! Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I believe there's no place like home. I thank my family and friends who have followed our blog and sent emails and their love. Especially Liz who has kept me in touch with Tassie Art news. I think with love of Marj and Joan who have both said they get up in the morning, make a cuppa and read our blog!!!! Especially I thank my darling David who has called me every 3rd or 4th day to see how I'm going and whose timing for these calls was amazing!!! To my little bruv Dave who has kept me going technically when emailing was difficult.
Its been great taking you all on our epic journey. I'll miss writing this post every day on our blog----its been fun!!! Thank you also to my many friends who have kept us in their prayers. I am sure I've have an angel or two very close when we were in difficult situations. It has been a great journey. So many thanks and blessings to you all
Love From Sue Banks.