
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Family!!

One more sleep!!!

This has been the hardest day. Packing and unpacking has taken all week!! What to throw out what to keep. I know its still too much but my very wise daughter Rachel has told me to go to bed and just close the lid!! So simple so clever---thanks Rach!! I know my brother David and his gorgeous wife Wendy are the best packers in the world but not me!!

I've had the most beautiful night with my family tonight---a local pub meal with all the kaos that goes with my family but oh so much love floating around!! Zoe was tearful---me too!!! Jakob cried on the way home and Jye and harry gave me the biggest hugs---billy too!! No one kissed as well as my darling Ebony but Juliet gave me the biggest hugs---Shell said she had many tears at home too!! Oh dear!! Now its time to concentrate on packing and thinking ahead. My dear family will be waiting when I get home with open arms and more hugs and cuddles.

Brenda sent a lovely sms to say she cant wait for me to get there so away I go---much as I hate this flying business!!! SUE