To turn a corner and discover a beautiful Doumo or even a lovely lane way has been a joy to us!! Brenda is the map reader----I am the explorer!!
WE both loved the Doumo ---Santa Maria del Fiore. WE went early this morning to get in but the queue was so long we went back later in the afternoon and walked straight in----I cant stand these groups that have to have leaders. You know the umbrella or flower held high people!! So when they all went we had the best time in this amazing doumo. I loved the peace inside this massive architectural masterpiece. The beautiful mosaic floors were breathtaking and the frescos on the dome were spectacular. WE also loved the Baptistery of San Giovanni. This has a dome of beautiful mosaics in Byzantine art. I had to sit and just soak in the beauty here. It really is the most beautiful doumo and I lit a candle for ,y family here.
Santa Maria del Fiore
Tonight was our last night in Florence and it has become tradition to have something/ or do something special; on our last night in a city. You may have picked up on this---staring with fish and chips in our beautiful Dublin park!! So for Florence we went to this special restaurant in the piazza we love called Piazza del Republica
WE had our favourite wood fired pizzas ----for me a glass of red and Tiramsu!!! Then we walked to that beautiful bridge Ponte De Vechio and I took photos of the sunset and lights on the beautiful river of Florence---The Arno. We have loved our time in Florence and enjoyed every special discovery here.
Florence at Night.